
entry-client.tsx is where your app starts in the browser.
import { mount, StartClient } from "@solidjs/start/client";
mount(() => <StartClient />, document.getElementById("app")!);
import { mount, StartClient } from "@solidjs/start/client";
mount(() => <StartClient />, document.getElementById("app")!);


Mounting your application

This file does one thing. It starts your SolidStart application in the browser. It does so by passing in our <StartClient> to a mount function that also takes our mount element as an argument. What is mount? It is an alias over Solid's hydrate and render methods to ensure that no matter what the client always starts up properly.

It doesn't matter if you are using SolidStart to do client-only rendering or if you are using our various modes of server-side rendering. This file is good place to run any other client specific code that you want to happen on startup. Things like registering service workers.


mount(codeFn, mountEl)

Method that either calls render or hydrate depending on the configuration.

import { mount, StartClient } from "@solidjs/start/client";
mount(() => <StartClient />, document.getElementById("app")!);
import { mount, StartClient } from "@solidjs/start/client";
mount(() => <StartClient />, document.getElementById("app")!);


  • codeFn (function): function that executes the application code
  • mountEl (Node | Document): element to mount the application to

<StartClient />

Component that wraps our application root.