
Let's see how some common authentication and authorization patterns work:


We need to know who the user is. This is usually done by checking the request for information. The best way for the client and server to do is using cookies.

We can use the Request object to access the Cookie header. We can then parse the cookie header to get the cookie value for a specific cookie name, for e.g. "session". We can then use the cookie value to identify the session. Fortunately, Nitro already comes with helpers that enable this.

Let's look at an example of how to use the cookie to identify the user. Imagine we are implementing a getUser function that returns the user making the request.

export async function getUser() {
// return user
export async function getUser() {
// return user

The session cookie can be used to get the session data about the request. How the session data is stored and retrieved is up to the implementation of the useSession.

Let's use this useSession to get the session data for the request:

import { useSession } from "vinxi/http";
export async function getUser(request: Request) {
const session = await useSession({
password: process.env.SESSION_SECRET
import { useSession } from "vinxi/http";
export async function getUser(request: Request) {
const session = await useSession({
password: process.env.SESSION_SECRET

Typically, we will have saved the userId in the session. If we don't find it, that means that this was not an authenticated request. Our getUser function returns a null when it doesn't find a user. If we find a userId, we can use that to get the user from the database:

import { useSession } from "vinxi/http";
export async function getUser(): Promise<User | null> {
const session = await useSession({
password: process.env.SESSION_SECRET
const userId =;
if (!userId) return null;
return await hogwarts.getUser(userId);
import { useSession } from "vinxi/http";
export async function getUser(): Promise<User | null> {
const session = await useSession({
password: process.env.SESSION_SECRET
const userId =;
if (!userId) return null;
return await hogwarts.getUser(userId);

This helper can be used in all kinds of situations wherever we want to authenticate the request. They can be used in server functions and API routes.

Let's see how we can use this in a cache call to make sure that only authenticated users can access the data. If the user is not authenticated, we can redirect them to the login page:

import { cache, createAsync, redirect } from "@solidjs/router";
const getStudents = cache(async (house: string) => {
"use server";
const user = await getUser();
if (!user) throw redirect("/login");
return hogwarts.getStudents(house, "*");
}, "students");
// page component
export default function Students() {
const students = createAsync(() => getStudents());
import { cache, createAsync, redirect } from "@solidjs/router";
const getStudents = cache(async (house: string) => {
"use server";
const user = await getUser();
if (!user) throw redirect("/login");
return hogwarts.getStudents(house, "*");
}, "students");
// page component
export default function Students() {
const students = createAsync(() => getStudents());

We can log in or logout in a similar manner.

import { redirect } from "@solidjs/router";
import { useSession } from "vinxi/http";
type UserSession = {
userId?: number;
function getSession() {
return useSession<UserSession>({
password: process.env.SESSION_SECRET
export async function login(formData: FormData) {
const username = String(formData.get("username"));
const password = String(formData.get("password"));
// do validation
try {
const session = await getSession();
const user = await db.user.findUnique({ where: { username } });
if (!user || password !== user.password) return new Error("Invalid login");
await session.update((d) => (d.userId = user!.id));
} catch (err) {
return err as Error;
throw redirect("/");
export async function logout() {
const session = await getSession();
await session.update((d) => (d.userId = undefined));
throw redirect("/login");
import { redirect } from "@solidjs/router";
import { useSession } from "vinxi/http";
type UserSession = {
userId?: number;
function getSession() {
return useSession<UserSession>({
password: process.env.SESSION_SECRET
export async function login(formData: FormData) {
const username = String(formData.get("username"));
const password = String(formData.get("password"));
// do validation
try {
const session = await getSession();
const user = await db.user.findUnique({ where: { username } });
if (!user || password !== user.password) return new Error("Invalid login");
await session.update((d) => (d.userId = user!.id));
} catch (err) {
return err as Error;
throw redirect("/");
export async function logout() {
const session = await getSession();
await session.update((d) => (d.userId = undefined));
throw redirect("/login");